Doing so increases the likelihood of getting moisture into the openings at the bottom or along the sides. Do not spray the cleaning solution directly on the screen.In extreme cases, the screen may even break completely. All of these products could seriously damage the screen.

X Research source Do not use all-purpose cleaners, alcohol-based products, bleach, aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives. Only use cleaning products specifically created and sold for use with LCD screens.Avoid paper towels, dish towels, terry cloth towels, and other abrasive fabrics. Lens cloths work especially well, but any microfiber cloth will usually do the trick. Only use soft, lint-free, and static-free cloths.It should only feel a little moist to the touch, and you should not be able to squeeze any liquid out of it. Spray a small amount of this cleaner onto your soft cloth.Use a cleaner specifically sold for use with LCD screens. Spray a little LCD or plasma cleanser on a microfiber cloth.

Only use water if you apply it with a soft cloth. X Research source This significantly increases your odds of getting water into the machine, thereby making a short more likely.

A soaked cloth is more likely to drip excess water into the machine, which could cause serious damage to your computer. Do not, however, use paper towels, dish towels, or other rough cloths. A static-free, fiber-free cloth works best, but most non-abrasive cloths will also work well. Apply a little water to a soft microfiber cloth, making the cloth barely moist.