I know this because it appears in Disk Utility, but it's grayed out. I want to also mention that the computer reads the disk. The thing is, I was about to back up and of course, My External Hard Drive in Disk Utility Is Grayed Out!!! My life lives on this disk. "I've been Googling for solutions for the past seven hours. However, they have no idea exactly why their external hard drives are greyed out in Disk Utility, just like the user from the forum of MacRumors: Many users are confronted with this annoying issue and are looking for a feasible solution. Why external hard drives greyed out in Disk Utility?

How to fix when Erase hard drive greyed out in Disk Utility? How to fix when Partition external drive greyed out in Disk Utility? How to fix when external drives won't mount on Mac? How to fix when external hard drives greyed out in Disk Utility? Therefore, let's first take a closer look at the reasons for this issue before you set about repairing your external hard drive that is faded in Disk Utility.

The symptoms of hard drive dimmed out in Disk Utility are different from case to case.